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Veteran benefits aren't just a nice perk -- they are something you earned through service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Space Force, Air Force or Coast Guard.
But knowing what your benefits are and how to use them isn't a simple task. Where do you find them? How do you sign up? What are your veteran state benefits? How do you access your benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs? How do you use your VA loan or GI Bill?
Use's veteran benefits resources to learn about all of the benefits of military service provided by a grateful nation.
A VA home loan is one of the most useful military benefits. If you qualify, you can buy or build a home, or refinance an existing home mortgage. This section offers helpful articles about the VA loan process.
Looking for information about Tricare? Tricare is the U.S. military's government-managed health care and health insurance program. Tricare's various coverage plans provide health care for millions of current and former service members and their families.
The United States wasn’t always a military superpower. Many wars and battles shaped the military we know today. Learn about the two centuries of military history that made the United States Armed Forces what it is today.
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