To Through and After with Nick Hays - Navy SEAL


    Stew Smith discusses the journey with Nick Hays with a new To, Through, and After Podcast. Check out the road less traveled taken by former Navy SEAL Nick Hays as he went through life being a team player, his discovery about Navy SEAL process, his preparation, recruiting process, building discipline in boot camp, stories while at BUDS, in the Teams and beyond. The beyond include teaching people about and learning from successful mentors, advanced education at Harvard Business School.

    Check out his book ELITE that can be found at Amazon.

    Check out more of the Nick Hays Life at his social media @nickhayslife (Instagram).

    Check out the Podcast: The Tactical Fitness Report with Stew Smith

    Check out the New Stew Smith Fitness Club (Member's Only Content and Services).

    Check out other videos of combat swimmer stroke, workouts, and other spec ops related training. See for more information about military, law enforcement, special ops, firefighting training programs.