Submarine Duty Pay Increased For 2022


Submarine pay rates have increased for fiscal year 2022.

Submarine Duty Incentive pay is a monthly taxable pay for sailors attached to submarine staffs. They can get Submarine Duty Incentive Pay:

  • While attached to a submarine crew;
  • While serving as an operator or crewmember of an operational submersible (including an undersea exploration or research vehicle);
  • While undergoing training for assignment to a nuclear or advanced design submarine, or training for advanced responsibility on a submarine;
  • While undergoing rehabilitation after assignment to a nuclear-powered submarine; or

There are minimum underway hours to qualify:

  1. During 1 calendar month--48 hours. Hours, however, served underway in excess of 48 hours during any of the immediately preceding 5 calendar months, and not already used to qualify for incentive pay, may be applied to satisfy the 48-hour underway time requirements for the current month.
  2. During any 2 consecutive calendar months, when requirements have not been met for the first month--96 hours.
  3. During any 3 consecutive calendar months, when requirements have not been met for the first 2 months--144 hours.
Enlisted Submarine Duty Incentive Pay
Pay Grade Under 2 Years Service Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8
E-9 $450 $425 $450 $450 $450 $450
E-8 $450 $415 $450 $450 $450 $450
E-7 $445 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450
E-6 $175 $190 $190 $335 $370 $430
E-5 $155 $170 $170 $275 $315 $315
E-4 $90 $105 $110 $270 $270 $270
E-3 $90 $100 $105 $105 $105 $105
E-2 $85 $90 $100 $100 $90 $90
E-1 $85 $85 $85 $85 $85 $85

E-8 and E-9 with over 18 years of service get increased amounts.

Warrant Officer Submarine Duty Incentive Pay
Pay Grade Under 2 Years Service Over 2 Over 4
W-5 $320 $420 $475
W-4 $320 $420 $475
W-3 $320 $420 $475
W-2 $320 $420 $475
W-1 $320 $420 $475
Officer Submarine Duty Incentive Pay
Pay Grade Under 2 Years Service Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18
O-10 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355
O-9 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355
O-8 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355
O-7 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355 $355
O-6 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $660 $950
O-5 $655 $655 $655 $655 $655 $655 $655 $655 $880 $930 $950
O-4 $400 $400 $400 $580 $655 $805 $805 $805 $880 $880 $880
O-3 $390 $390 $390 $560 $655 $805 $805 $805 $805 $805 $805
O-2 $335 $335 $335 $335 $335 $335 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470
O-1 $255 $255 $255 $255 $255 $255 $470 $470 $470 $470 $470

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