Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT) Overview

Sailors record their scores on the Navy physical readiness test.
Sailors assigned to Navy Recruiting District (NRD) Nashville in Smyrna, Tennessee, record their scores for the Navy's biannual physical readiness test (PRT). (Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Timothy Walter/U.S. Navy photo)

NOTE: As of 2020, the Navy will make a few changes in the physical fitness assessment (PFA). Sailors no longer will be doing crunches for two minutes, and there will be a change to the way push-ups are done. Also, on the option list, a bike or rowing test can replace the running test. More details on the standards of passing and maxing these new changes will be later updated with new charts. Crunches are now plank pose, and push-ups are cadence push-ups.

The Navy physical readiness test consists of push-ups, curl-ups (sit-ups), and either running or swimming. In basic training, swimming is not an option. All boot-camp recruits are measured by performing push-ups, curl-ups (sit-ups) and running 1½ miles.

Navy physical readiness test breakdown

1.5-mile run

Event consists of running 1.5 miles as quickly as possible. Any combination of running or walking is allowed to complete event.


Your score is based on how many curl-ups you can do correctly in two minutes. Resting is permitted.


Your score is determined by how many push-ups you can complete in two minutes. Resting is permitted but only in the up position.

PRT scoring

The Navy PFT score is found by averaging the scores of the three fitness events.

For example, let's say a 25-year-old woman does 91 curl-ups (sit-ups), 26 push-ups and completes the 1.5-mile run in 15:23. This is worth 85 points for the curl-ups, 65 points for the push-ups and 55 points for the running event.

To find the average, we ...

1. Add the scores together (85 + 65 + 55 = 205)

2. Then divide by 3 (205/3 = 68)

This sailor would receive a PRT score of 68, which we can see on the below chart is categorized as "good [medium]."

To graduate boot camp, a sailor needs an overall category of "good [low]," which means their average in three events must be 60 points or greater.

After boot camp, to pass the periodic Navy fitness test, a sailor needs to be in the "satisfactory [medium]" category, or above, which means they must have an average score of at least 50.

Points assignments are:

Category Level Points
Outstanding High 100
Outstanding Medium 95
Outstanding Low 90
Excellent High 85
Excellent Medium 80
Excellent Low 75
Good High 70
Good Medium 65
Good Low 60
Satisfactory High 55
Satisfactory Medium 50
Probationary   45


Basic Training Minimum Standard:


Navy PRT Minimum Standard:



Points Curl-Ups Category Level
Outstanding High 100 109
Outstanding Medium 95 107
Outstanding Low 90 102
Excellent High 85 98
Excellent Medium 80 93
Excellent Low 75 90
Good High 70 81
Good Medium 65 71
Good Low 60 62
Satisfactory High 55 59
Satisfactory Medium 50 54
Probationary   45 50


Push-ups 1.5 Mile Run Category Level
Outstanding High 92 8:15
Outstanding Medium 91 8:45
Outstanding Low 86 9:00
Excellent High 82 9:15
Excellent Medium 79 9:30
Excellent Low 76 9:45
Good High 68 10:00
Good Medium 60 10:30
Good Low 51 11:00
Satisfactory High 49 12:00
Satisfactory Medium 46 12:15
Probationary   42 12:30

This article should help many with finding the standards you should reach before joining the military. It always is recommended never to strive for the minimum physical standards when seeking a profession that requires a fit body to perhaps save your life or the lives of your comrades. If you are seeking to get back into shape and want to be as fit as one of the above military members, check with your doctor before starting any fitness program.

PT programs to train for the Navy PRT can be found at these links:

Navy fitness requirements:

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Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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